Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let the Adventure Begin!!!

Ok so I know I've failed at this blog lately (or well since as long as I started it) but the thing is I've been busy! College and drama tend to do that to me. But as I look out at the summer ahead of me, my first as a vegan, I am determined to blog with one food adventure per day. Absolutely determined. Maybe it has something to do with the stream of Julie and Julia commericals that are starting to clutter cable, but it's kind of an interesting thought. Cook a new food each and every night. Maybe I will try to cook my way through Vegenomicon or La Dolche Vegan or Vegan with a Vengeance, who knows? It's kind of exciting though!! Some days will be boring as all hell, sorry in advance, but lately I've been trying new foods and have been pleasantly surprised at what I've found. I LIKE different ethnic cuisines and "weird" food. Before I made the transition to vegan from vegetarian, I strongly disliked tofu (ok I was too damn stubborn to actually try it), had never even HEARD of tempeh, seitan, or TVP, and was convinced that a perfectly balanced meal could totally consist of a sliced tomato sprinkled with garlic salt and a massive chunk of mozzarella. And while I have still been known to scorf down a tomato or two (or three), I have given up my massive cheese habit. How I survived so many years on just cheese and eggs for protein astounds me (all that cholesteral eww).

Anyways my veganversarry is coming up (September 14th) and I am feeling much better about myself and what I eat. I love cooking good food for great friends, and will hopefully be able to find a good variety of carnivore satisfying food over the course of this summer. I am also going to be cooking healthier alternatives and trying to limit my sugar and flour intakes as well. We'll see how it goes, expect loads of failures as well as a few successes but an altogether amusing ride!

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